For sale

Submarine models and submarine model components for sale:

You’ll find here high quality Water Tight Cilinders (WTC). Both KITs (self assembly required) and also fully assembled ones (RTR – ready to run – only your RC receiver required). Some of them include fitting (conversion) packs for particular models like Trumpeter Kilo, Seawolf and Soryu. Take a moment to choose the option which fits your project best.

You can also buy single modules for your own DIY projects. If you’re buying single modules, be sure to understand the modular WTC system first. It’s a great and easy way to quickly construct your own WTC with almost any desired length. Something especially great in your own submarine projects!  You can read more about this great system: HERE – Modular WTC System


As always during September – RCshipyard team is going on holidays!

We’ll be on holidays between 29th August and 23rd of September 2024.

All orders made after 26th of August 00.00 (Central European Time), will be shipped around 30th of September.

All orders made before 26th of August 00.00 (Central European Time), will be shipped before 29th of August

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